Monday, June 8, 2009

Some Changes Made and SomeUpdates... Pls take note...

Previous postings on Audition details had been edited and updated...

The Changes...

Selection Process is changed to better meet the objectives set by the organiser.
1) Selection Process
Flashing of Green or Orange cards by each Judge
Majority Green cards: Proceed directly into Semi-Finals
(If there are no more than 2 out of 4 Green cards, wait for further announcement)

2) Reporting Venue
Inside Heartland Mall instead of the long walkway outside Heartland Mall...

The Updates...

1) Registration Instructions

No early rgistration is allowed in order for us to have better control of the crowd. Registration will only open to each group at its allocated reporting time. Announcements will be made at each time of reporting when registration opens.

2) Audition Judges

Confirmed number of judges for auditions will be 4 as shown below.
2 Volunteers from Xtreme Youth Zone Inc.
2 Music Teachers from Music Mocha